Meet the Central Sustainability Team

In the 2024-2025 academic year, six students will be leading the Central Sustainability office.

With diverse backgrounds,  majors and interests, the team is working together to address sustainability from a multitude of perspectives.

For questions, comments, or to engage, visit Dow 275 or reach out to!

Lauren Day in a dark suit and green top standing in front of the CMU seal smiling at the camera.

Lauren Dey

Lauren is a senior majoring in environmental studies and Spanish. She loves nature and believes it’s important to preserve it for all to enjoy. She is most passionate about advocating for renewable energy and reducing plastic pollution. Lauren is president of Take Back the Tap, and she enjoys hiking, kayaking and reading. She hopes through working on projects with the Central Sustainability team she will make a difference for the present and future of sustainability at CMU.

Tiffany Jurge in a dark long sleeve top standing in front of the CMU seal smiling at the camera.

Tiffany Jurge

Tiffany is a senior in the CMU Honors Program studying environmental studies and political science with a minor in Spanish. She aspires to go to law school in the future and ensure a sustainable world through a legal perspective as an environmental attorney. As Sustainability Coordinator for Central Sustainability and Vice President of Central Student Sierra Club, environmental consciousness and sustainable practices are some of Tiffany's greatest passions. Her other interests include language, travel, fitness, and art. Tiffany is beyond excited for all the projects she and her team are working on to ensure the success of CMU's sustainability programs!

Kelsey Muth in a grey suit and white top standing in front of the CMU seal smiling at the camera.

Kelsey Muth

Kelsey is a junior at Central Michigan University majoring in public and nonprofit administration and minoring in leadership, sustainable and environmental policy, and intergroup relations. She loves spending time outside, hiking, and taking care of the planet. She aspires to one day become the CEO of an environmentally-focused nonprofit. Kelsey is a Leadership Advancement Scholar, a member of NLSA, and active in many other student organizations on campus.

Mason Squillets'Peterson in a striped long sleeve shirt and glasses, standing in front of the CMU seal, smiling at the camera.

Mason Squillets-Peterson

Mason is a senior majoring in environmental studies and minoring in anthropology. He joined Central Sustainability this semester. Mason has always been passionate about environmental activism and elevating Indigenous causes all over the world. Along with Central Sustainability, Mason is the vice president of the North American Indigenous Student Organization and helps put on a lot of the Indigenous cultural events on campus. As part of the native community at CMU, he aims to educate his friends and peers on the importance of culture and environmental sustainability through his work with Central Sustainability.

Zoey Archbold in a pale green dress, standing in front of the CMU seal, smiling at the camera.

Zoey Archbold

Zoey is a Sophomore, Centralis Scholar and part of the CMU Honors Program. She is double majoring in environmental studies and Spanish, and minoring in sustainability. She is also pursuing a certificate in cultural competency. Zoey has a history of tackling social and environmental sustainability projects through her Girl Scout Silver and Gold Award projects, and she’s excited to continue making the world and CMU's campus a better place through Central Sustainability! Zoey values leadership, volunteerism, equity, empathy, sustainability, and dependability, and she loves fun and silly socks!

Jessica Reinhart in a floral shirt standing in front of the CMU seal, smiling at the camera.

Jessica Reinhart

Jessica is a sophomore at CMU joining Central Sustainability this semester. Her major is undecided, but she’s looking at combining writing, music and sustainability! Outside of CS, Jessica is a member of On the Rox A Cappella and guitar club. She’s especially passionate about the relationship between social and environmental sustainability and removing barriers to sustainable practices.